Welcome to The Infertile Nurse:
Breaking the Silence of Infertility
We have long debated on if we should share our story. It’s so personal and frankly if you’ve been dealt the hand of infertility, society predominantly says that you should “keep it to yourself”. Unfortunately, infertility is one of the most isolating and lonely things that you can go through. Well, that tells me you should talk about it.
If you choose to read this blog, we hope that it will provide you with some insight into the infertility world or maybe we can find friendship in our commonalities if you also suffer from infertility.
Most couples put a more positive spin on things and call infertility a “journey”. That's entirely too positive for us; in our case it’s a straight up “shit show”.
This is the story of us, Morgan and Jeremiah, and our path to parenthood (we hope).